School Has Begun... Again

Greg is taking a class at BCC this semester, too! He's taking Introduction to Computers, a class which he certainly does not need but which is a prerequisite for the more advanced programming classes. There is, unfortunately no CLEP for this class. Greg says that, aside from the teacher's reputation of being unbearably loud (which is true), the teacher's manner of speaking is like that of a tour guide. Instead of "And on your right, you can see an osprey," the guy says, "And if you click on the Start button, you can see your recently used programs." He also adds "etc." to everything, which could be a legal way to put things on the test about which he did not lecture. However, Greg says that he even adds it to things like this: "The assignments are worth 50% and the tests are worth 50%, etc." There is nothing else! Haha!

More on school in a future post, but alas, I must do some more homework.

2 comments, click here post one or read them:

The Pyrat Family said...

LOL!!! I had so many professors in CC. some classes I would leave wondering, "How are they only a community college professor" beacause they were so great. others I would leave and know exactly why they are teaching at a mere community college and not, Harvard, Brown, Yale... etc,. LOL I just had to add that etc.

The Pyrat Family said...

I thought we already added you as a friend on Wii. I am so clueless how to do it. You will have to call me one day and walk me through it step by step.

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This blog is about our family: Tom, Carrie, Stacey, and Greg. It is maintained by Stacey.