Scary Weather | Tom's Story

It was sometime in the afternoon on Monday June 23rd when I sprung a surprise visit from an AC guy on the family. Carrie, Stacey, and Greg (not being too happy about that...) chose to not be here when he came and decided they were going to go to Target (Carrie also had a 6:00 meeting at church). I'm not exactly sure what time in the afternoon it was, I think about 5.45 when Stacey and Greg called and asked for me to look at the Doppler and see how the storms looked in the Titusville area, and did it look safe to go down Grissom road. This led me to believe they were in fact at Target wanting to drive home. I instructed them to stay put saying that the storm cell really looked pretty bad over State Road 50 and I-95. Minutes later at the house I was standing somewhere near the Island in the Family room when a huge flash of light and large boom happened simultaneously causing me to duck and crouch down. I'm telling you it sounded as if one of those large fireworks from the 4th exploded just outside the window! I thought for sure that a tree must have been struck in either the lot next door or behind us. (Was I ever glad we cut the others down) I figured that maybe we would end up with a brush fire the next day when things began to dry back out. Ten or fifteen minutes passed buy and I got this frantic phone call from Greg stating that they (Stacey and him) just drove through a tornado. I said WHAT!!!!!!! Then they proceeded to tell me that a tree almost fell on the car when they were driving toward home on Grissom. I was thankful that they were OK but worried what else was out there that they might get into before getting home. They said it was clearing and it didn't look dangerous any more so that eased my mind a little. They got home a couple minutes later and I figured they would pull in the Garage where it was dry but they (especially Stacey were so frantic and shaking that they just parked in the driveway and ran through the door. Stacey was shaking like a leaf (by the way where did that saying come from) so i just hugged her till she calmed a little and they began telling the tale of their horrible, scary experience. A tree snapping off right in front of you and not being able to tell if it was tall enough to reach in the road and crunch you in the car WOW! I in all my 37 years of driving haven't had to go through such a thing. I told Stacey that she is now our dedicated "Severe Weather Driver". She said it definitely has released her from the huge fear that she has had for tornados. It reminded me that God still is in the business of protecting us and one guy from our small group even said what they didn't see were the angels holding the tree long enough for them to pass. How many unseen things does God with His angels protect us from each day? I know their protection was directly related to Caries daily petitions to God for their safety and he surely answered this day! The news people never did call it a tornado but based on the width and length of the path of destruction I don't see how it could have been anything else. The way limbs were ripped off trees in a obvious twisting motion makes me think it was not one of those Micro Bursts. This was an experience that Greg and Stacey will share for their lifetimes and a story I'm sure their kids and spouses will get tired of some day. (:

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This blog is about our family: Tom, Carrie, Stacey, and Greg. It is maintained by Stacey.