Scary Weather | Greg's Story

Hey everyone!

Me and Stacey had an encounter with some really bad weather On Monday, June 23. Stacey was driving us to Target in Titusville but the weather was looking iffy. So we called dad who was at home and asked him to look at the weather in Titusville. He said that it didn't look very good and to "stay put". We were in Port St. John when we called him and it was raining hard so we decided to head home. (red line on picture below) We were heading south on Grissom for about a half mile or so and all of a sudden it got extremly windy and tree branches were flying all over and pinecones were hitting the car. As we were driving past we saw a pine tree falling right next to our car. Stacey started speeding up to make sure it did not hit us. But I told her to slow down because we couldn't see where we were going. We pulled off the road (under another big pine tree until I told Stacey to get out from under it. We ended up in someones driveway. We were kinda on the edge of the wind now. We finally decided to just outrun whatever it was. We spun our tires in someones yard (at the edge of the road) and then went about a half block or so, and the wind there was not near as bad. It was just raining hard.

Here is a map of where we drove.

RED LINE = path we took

GREEN AREA = area that we drove through later on that had wind damage

We finally got home. This all happened in about 3mins. on a busy road. On our way home we saw more trees down. Later on the whole family drove around to see the damage. We didn't have any at our house but lot's of other people had trees down everywhere.After driving through we are 99% sure that it was a F0 tornado (if not a tornado definitely a micro burst) Probably if we didn't stop we may have driven right through it. Dad said that he thought we were in Titusville when we called. He meant stay put in Titusville, because Port St. John was bad. We are very lucky!

Stacey sent a picture she took after the storm of the tree that fell near us to the news and they put it on the 11:00 news! We are going to post a video of the news for yall to see.


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This blog is about our family: Tom, Carrie, Stacey, and Greg. It is maintained by Stacey.