Cypress Gardens

This Friday we went to Cypress Gardens (a theme park in Florida) to celebrate Greg's birthday. It was the last Friday of their extra-special five-dollar admission. We weren't too impressed with the park, but for the price it was well worth it! The park was originally just gardens, but after being closed for a while and then renovated under new management, it has been turned into a theme park. Unfortunately, most of the gardens are only open at 12:00 and 2:00 for short tours now. We enjoyed the day greatly, however.

I rode a roller coaster for the first time ever in my life! Granted, it was the smallest a coaster can be and still be considered adult, but it was scary and fast nonetheless. I decided to try it on my own--without any coaxing. The only way I was able to keep myself from backing out was not to allow myself to think about it until it started. And then when it had started, I told myself that it was fun and that I liked it. In this way, I was able to tolerate it. I did even enjoy it somewhat, but I must say that it satisfied my curiosity and I feel no desire to ever ride another.

This is the roller coaster that I rode, although Mom and Dad are on it this time:

My own enjoyment of the day was dampened by a head cold which I have had since Wednesday. I had to walk around the park blowing my nose every three steps. I also had a fever, so I spent a majority of the day resting on benches.

Dad rode a couple of wooden roller coasters. Greg, Dad, and I rode a big waterslide. We had no idea that it would spin so much and Dad and I both felt a little queasy by the end. Bad as it was, the ride itself was a welcome releif from the line. We had to stand for a half an hour behind several twelve and thirteen year olds who had some of the dirtiest mouths. One girl got into a screaming match with a girl further ahead in the line, and could only be restrained from "killing" her by two of the boys who were with her pulling her back. They were so rowdy they disturbed everyone around them.

We enjoyed the gardens that were open, which included many plant sculptures and waterfalls. The park even had an indoor butterfly garden, in which I managed to get many beautiful pictures.


1 comments, click here post one or read them:

Anonymous said...

cool coasters. Jeff and I went on a water slide exactly like that one st 6 flags new England. it was fun for us, we got on with a cool family.
I love coasters... you mean to tell me that Aedan rode on a roller coaster before you did??? LOL!!

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This blog is about our family: Tom, Carrie, Stacey, and Greg. It is maintained by Stacey.