Tropical Storm Fay News Video

Here is a video me an Stacey made yesterday of tropical storm Fay. All the news stations have been trying to make it look worse. Some of them have been pointing out how leaves are blowing around :) So we decided to make fun of them. We edited the sound on the video to make it seem worse.


P.S (This wasn't the worst part of the storm. Also make sure to read the titles at the bottom of the video.)

2 comments, click here post one or read them:

BirdBrain said...

Greg, I wanted you to explain that the eye of the storm stalled over us for 12 hours. You guys were filming this in the daytime when the eye was over us. The wind was never really bad, but you didn't get the rain on video. Your spoof of the news was really cute. The outfits are classic :) It was scary going out in the street with the flashlight in the middle of the night while everyone else was sleeping :0 I was afraid of that possum in our yard.

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! that was cute! I can't wait to see you tomorrow!

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This blog is about our family: Tom, Carrie, Stacey, and Greg. It is maintained by Stacey.