Scary Weather | Carrie's Story

The kids and I headed out to Titusville to eat at Burger King, and then I was going to drop them off at Target while I went to a meeting at the church. I didn't feel up to driving back, so Stacey and Greg drove all the way to drop me off at the meeting and they were going back to Target. I was reluctant to have them go because there was a very bad thunderstorm in the distance. We had been having a lot of severe weather every day. Stacey insisted they would be fine. I said, "Call Dad and see what the Doppler looks like now. If it is bad up there then just go somewhere else or go home." He had the air conditioning man still at the house, so he told them he'd call them back soon. The A/c guy was almost done. So I went in my meeting at 5:50, but told them to call my cell and tell me what they decided either way. They apparently waited around in Port St. John for close to ten minutes. Too long. I didn't know. A massive amount of rain was falling off the roof and they hadn't called. At 6:05 after the singing started, I had a lot of anxiety and thought "Why in the heck did I let them go? Stacey doesn't have experience driving in anything like this. I should have stayed with them." I was doubly concerned because on the way to the meeting we encountered a police car with its lights on coming toward us. We needed to get off the road, so Stacey. at full speed, pulled off the road and then proceeded to slow down. Whoa whoa whoa! I said, "Stacey when you pull off the road, slow down and then pull off." Back to the meeting: While I was singing I just thought, "God they're in your hands" and felt a peace. I didn't know at that time they had just come through or under the tornado. At 6:10 Greg left a calm message. "Mom we just went through some bad weather but we're fine and we're almost home." They picked me up at 7:30 and the lightning was still pretty bad. Then I heard the story. We drove to the tree on Grissom and I couldn't believe they got through that weather. The tree was inches from the road! Mostly pine needles and twigs were thick on the road but in a perfect line across the road in about a 50 foot wide path. You could see the storm crossed straight across the road, and there was nothing on any other part of the road. That is the point where they were as it crossed, and they told me how the stuff was hitting the car all around. Stacey & Greg saw the tree falling. The picture on the news doesn't do it justice as to the height. They pulled in a yard and they saw that the wind wasn't as bad ahead so they decided to drive to get out of it. By the time they got a block away the wind died down and heavy rain was all there was. They called Tom, then me. So, when they picked me up and I heard all this, I cried of course, because I realized what a close call it was. I was in the back seat hugging Greg and he kept saying "Ow, stop, you're hurting me." We starting driving around to see the other damage and as we wound our way through the streets it was clear that the only trees uprooted or broken were in a straight path. The same path of debris crossed each road with the same width, like someone raked some pine needles and dumped it there. I wished we snapped more pictures of the trees down, but we were just in awe. All basketball hoops were down and a lot of fences, a tree on almost each block. No damage to any houses. People were already out with chain saws, piling things up. An empty lot (behind the street where the tree almost fell on them) had another tree completely uprooted, and the block the other direction had a tree down also. Every street had a mess in a small area and not a flower pot out of place two houses down. The length of the damage was longer than Greg's map. It started west of I-95 with a tree down there and went all the way past the railroad tracks. I saw Greg's map although we're not allowed to read each other's story until we are all done. We rode much further than he shows. The weather man said the Doppler showed a rotation in Port St. John at the time, but no tornado was spotted or confirmed, but the kids said everything was swirling around them and we saw that some of the trees were twisted. Looks like a small tornado to me. I don't think a microburst goes in a long path like that. The sent the e-mail with the picture to CBS news along with their shortened story. CBS sent an e-mail right back saying they were going to put in on the 11:00 news. We taped it. The next day my sister-in-law saw it on the morning news. She heard Stacey's name and ran to the TV to see what it was. The sermon at church the day before was about not complaining even through the big stuff because it can always be worse. I needed it but of course didn't like it. I've asked God "Why did you not deliver us all these years like I prayed over and over?" On Monday, He answered me that He delivers us every single day and I don't see it. He let me see it that day. Thank You God for keeping the joys of my life safe every day!

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This blog is about our family: Tom, Carrie, Stacey, and Greg. It is maintained by Stacey.